

Not a Board of Directors

Years ago, I had a conversation with a ruling elder at a PCA church in another city, where he told me that he thought one of his spiritual gifts was “serving on boards.”  It was clear both from the rest of the conversation and...


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Not a Board of Directors

Years ago, I had a conversation with a ruling elder at a PCA church in another city, where he told me that he thought one of his spiritual gifts was “serving on boards.”  It was clear both from the rest of the conversation and...

Not a Board of Directors

Years ago, I had a conversation with a ruling elder at a PCA church in another city, where he told me that he thought one of his spiritual gifts was “serving on boards.”  It was clear both from the rest of the conversation and...

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Trust Your Brother Elders

I read a book a few years ago by Stephen M. R. Covey entitled Business at the Speed of Trust.  The point of the book was that in order to communicate effectively in the business context, we need to trust one another.  When you...

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